Monday, June 23, 2014

DEFY 2013

DEFY remote control was a collection designed for the concept course in 2013.
My collection got inspired by punk movement, and since their ideology is somewhat ecological I tried to incorporate it in my work by using recycled/post-consumer waste jeans and leather as well as some viscose and a little bit of cotton jersey. We were asked to make one of the outfits for our annual fashion show, but I figured that I would produce a couple of other looks too, for a photoshoot.

What I'm always trying to say 
to the consumer is: 
buy less, choose well, make it last.
-Vivienne Westwood

Punks have these very distinguishing pattern. The bleached pattern. Very chaotic, very cool.
But the problem is, that bleach is not very good considering the environmental impact of the chemical.I used rongalite to bleach the pattern onto cotton. Rongalite (to my understanding) is a better bleaching option to chlorine. I also tested bleaching fabric with Blankit ®, but the end result wasn't really as vibrant and orangy as I wanted it to be, so the final choise was to use rongalite.

Here's some pics of a dress in progress, bleached with rongalite

some leather studs for a leather jacket

The whole look shot at our fashion show at kattilahalli, Helsinki 2013

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