Friday, February 21, 2014

Frostbite 2014

Desucon frostbite 2014
Overly exhausted after 8 hours of flight, 25 minutes of sleep, sick as hell.... I was finally home. And almost straight from the airport to Desucon frostbite. This years desucon was +18, so I wasn't expecting much people to attend it, but I was surprised how many there were in the end. Me and Annika had a table at an artis alley on saturday and pretty much spent all our time sitting there.

 We saw alot of great looking cosplayers and other creatures

Artistalley was quite fun. A lot of very sweet and odd people stopped by. Saw a lot of friends and made some new aquaintances. But mostly it was me and my friend fooling around. I was pleasantly surprised how many people had indie comics for sale. (and they'r great quality too) Hopefully we'll see some durning summer cons and I'll have a couple of my own projects to show off.

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